
Water, a fundamental human right!

"On 28 July 2010, through Resolution 64/292, the United Nations General Assembly explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation and acknowledged that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realisation of all human rights" (United Nations, 2010). Therefore, in today's post, access to " clean water and sanitation" are going to be the main topics. The Life Water Organization (2021) exposes that approximately, 1 in 10 people worldwide don't have access to clean water, which represents a number of 784 million people. So, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 6, seeks to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” by the year 2030, because there are some critical situations liked to this global affair, like for example: - More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. - Diarrheal diseases, caused primarily by unsafe water and poor sanitation, kil...

Mini garden at home?

Hello! Today, I want to talk about a shocking situation we're living in this globalized world: consumerism (in the food industry), which has many controversials perspectives due to its relation with climate change and food security. The Food Empowerment Project (2018) mentions that a "wide range of negative social repercussions are related to fast food consumption, like for instance the rapidly rising rates of diet-related disease, worker exploitation, systemic animal abuse, and environmental degradation", since its value chain is focused on massive production, with a main target market ... lower- income consumers. In the other hand, the individual and sociocultural factors together with advertising practices influence consumers’ fast‐food addiction and consumerism, that's why, governments and companies are called to mainly take control and manage through CSR the relationship between fast‐food addiction and consumers behaviour, by implementing publi...

Covid 19 and mental health: My brother's experience

Today, I want to share a personal experience I'm currently living through my brother's mental health confrontation during this pandemic. But, I wanted to start by talking about mental health issues on a global scale, since these are situations that affect a high percentage of the population worldwide, but it hasn't the visibility that I consider it should have. The World Bank (2020), states that at least 10% of the world's population suffer from mental illness, and that 20% of children and adolescents suffer from some type of mental disorder, including depression and anxiety, that can induce to premature mortality and affects functioning and quality of life; which is a global problem since there is inadequate government's funding in proper health care systems, causing a huge increasement of loss productivity at the economic outlook. This is really shocking information since it was announced during the beginning of the pandemic's restrictions governments ...

A brief look on gender equality

Hello :) In this second entry I wanted to talk about a daily situation of society that especially affects women. Guess what it is? Yes, gender equality or even more precise, gender inequality! But why this topic? Because incredibly all the women I know, regardless of their age, social class, country of residence, skin color or religion have been victims of gender inequality, directly or indirectly, but mostly directly. And the true is that this is a global issue, and not only my opinion on the matter can verify this fact, but the statistics worldwide on the participation and role of us women, show alarming results. For example: Discriminatory teaching practices and education materials produce gender gaps in learning and skills development. As a result, nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor in education or training – compared to 1 in 10 boys (UNICEF, 2021). In the first quarter of 1979, median weekly earnings for men age 1...

Small actions, big changes

Last semester, I chose ecology as an elective subject to complete my university's schedule. I started classes a little discouraged despite the good recommendations that some friends had given me about the contents and the teacher, because I had the idea that it was only a "filler" subject. But since the first class, I loved it! So... what made me change my mind? First, the subject was taught in a very didactic way, which I enjoyed a lot, since my teacher gave us examples of real situations that not only happened in Colombia, but how human beings daily actions (regardless of the place of residence) can have a great impact in a global scale. Also, he encouraged us to investigate and share our opinion on controversial issues such as the causes of the environmental crisis. BUT, what really made me fall in love with this subject is that it made me realize that in my home we had been applying actions that, no matter how small I saw them, do have a great effect ...